Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Life is very unfair, some people say,
How about sitting across the table, 
Reversing the rooms display?
There are those who only see bleak
While some others always find everything sleek.
It's all a matter of perspective I say!


The stars were there before I came,
When I am no more they will still remain,
Every sunrise fills me with hope and beauty,
I look at the day with its endless bounty,
Then look at the sunset awestruck at the sky's artwork,
It's all over today, is it already time to rest?


What did I do, what was my quest?
Did I do anything to earn my rest?
Time flies from sunrise to sunset,
Leaving me no time to stand and fret,
Yet at the end of the day,
Night overtakes and forces me to rest!



  1. Your poem symbolizes 'Life' and 'Death' with 'Day'and 'Night' and when you say 'What did I do, What was my quest? Did I do anything to earn my rest?' it is an existential angst. In the first stanza you do accede that our view of the world is subjective - 'It's all a matter of perspective ,I say'. I am giving a few lines from two poems written by me 'Morning' and 'Night' which express a similar line of thought-

    "In its wake the night has brought,
    A doubt and a darkened thought,"

    "The night’s agents disappear with the dark,
    Good things begin to rise with joy,
    Yet another day to live."

    But have you given a thought to another period between Day and Night - We call it the Twilight zone, the period when the light of day starts to fade and the darkness looms in the background? Your last two poems indicate you have been in deep introspection. Well written!

  2. The question mark after "Rest" says a lot....Karamjit

  3. Kohli Amarjit A fine weave of words indeed ..... interspersed with beautiful pics .... Varshaji ....!

  4. Anil Saxena Beautiful words narrating every day journey from sunrise to sunset.....time for rest is also time for introspection.

  5. Gulshan Dhingra vaqt se din aur raat vaqt se kal aur aaj
    vaqt ki har shai gulaam vaqt kaa har shai pe raaj vaqt ki paaband hai aati jaati raunake kaun jaane kis ghadi vaqt kaa badale mizaaj

  6. Bal Gupta Varsha Uke Nagpal
    Reminds one of Time time kee baat hai. People worship the rising Sun and avoid the twilight zone and beyond.
    Well written with evocative snaps as garnishing.
